Fabulist Philosophy

Freedom of Dress

Fabulist Costume is more than about putting on a pretty dress, it’s about expressing who you want to be as well as celebrating who you already are. Fabulist has an open and non-judgemental practice that accepts everybody and encourages individual expression, especially from those who may feel, for whatever reason, marginalised from the mainstream.

No matter what you’re into or what you want to get into, Fabulist Costume won’t critique, you will have the freedom to express yourself and be listened to, helping you to create a look that you desire. 

Conscious Clothing - with Character 

As we become increasingly aware of the ill fated trajectory the human race is on, so sustainability becomes increasingly vital, in all aspects of life. Only by caring about our own well being first can we then care for and sustain our friends and family, our businesses,  our local environment and, ultimately, The Earth. They are all one and the same. 

However, “Conscious clothing” often has a particular style or image that can be deemed hippy-ish, worthy or even down right boring.

Here at Fabulist Costume, the boundary pushing creativity and progressive thinking of the alternative club scene is embraced together with “conscious living” and the “well-being” movement: these two seemingly paradoxical worlds are fused together in a way that encourages individual creative expression and is inclusive to everybody, anywhere.